Products You Can Trust...
At Toetal Heeling we pride ourselves for stocking a full range of
footcare & foot related products, from lotions and potions to instruments, footwear and socks. In addition, we are sourcing 'aid' products to help those not so able, to better manage everyday tasks such as putting on your socks.
We will only sell products that we have faith in and believe will work, tried and tested.
If we dont have what you need / want, please ask and we will do
our utmost to source at a reasonable price.
Chiropody Footcare Instruments
We Stock a range of instruments, from nail cutting packs to foot files..

An excellent range of creams for moisturising, hard skin removal and as a foot warmer -
Best Seller!!

For the treatment of Athletes foot.
For fungal nail infections please contact us for advice.

We stock a wide range of socks, to include Diabetic Socks, Bamboo, Extra wide, Non-Elasticated top and Large sizes; Particularly for men 11-14.

From aids to put on your socks to shoe horns, long handled cream applicators & in-between toe washers, walking sticks and much more..
Great range of wide, deep and light footwear; particularly for problem feet. Good discounts available if ordering via us. Why not check out their website then contact us to order.

Don't Worry - Message Or Ring Us, Pay Over The Phone & We Will Deliver Or Post To You!

Buy someone the Gift of Health.
The recipient will receive your gift by email.
They can redeem and pay / part-pay following treatment by presenting their email and unique code.
(E-Gift vouchers can only be used against treatments.)